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How green is your home?!

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Mon 31 Jul 2023

How green is your home?!

How green is your home? 
I'm not talking energy efficiency, but plants and their natural benefits to you and your home. Bringing the lush green that's outside, in!
Most require minimal tending to and show signs when they need watering.
What's your favourite plant?
#indoorplants #plantsinthehouse #plantsintheoffice #plantbenefits #plantsforoxygen #plantsfordecor #naturaldecoritems #greenhome #greendecor 
#renterfriendly #moulddeterring #bringtheoutsidein #tipsandtricks #lettingagent #burystedmundslettings #suffolklettings #peacelilyplant #dracaena 
#aloevera #chrysantemum #lettingagencyuk #goymourhomes #propertymanagement #lookingafteryourproperty