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Introduction Only

Introduction Only

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Your property will be inspected by a qualified, experienced member of staff, who will advise you of its rental value, discuss your requirements and the type of tenant you require.

To ensure maximum coverage your property will immediately be displayed on www.goymourhomes.co.uk and www.rightmove.co.uk and full details will be circulated to potential tenants.

All prospective tenants will be interviewed and prequalified on your behalf to ensure that they meet your requirements before they are offered an accompanied viewing of the property.

Once a suitable tenant has been found you will be fully consulted and informed of their circumstances. We will personally evaluate their full references, including a credit search and confirm their ‘right to rent’ status.

Your tenants details will then be passed on to you in writing so that you can make arrangements direct regarding the commencement of their tenancy.

Your tenant will be provided with your details and will be advised to contact you in the event of any ongoing issues.